Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is the cosmopolitan capital of Malaysia. The multi-cultural heritage of the city, from Chinese, Indian, British and Japanese, is reflected in the buildings and the variety of shops and eateries found in abundance around the capital.

Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is often seen as just the gateway to the more intrepid parts of Malaysia such as Borneo, or the sandy beaches of Langkawi. However, the country's capital has more than enough to keep visitors entertained for a few days, and so it is worth spending more time here than just a night's stopover. 

Food is an incredibly important part of Malaysian society, and in such a cultural melting pot of a city there are hundreds of flavours to explore, with a plethora of street food stall to choose from. This multi-cultural influence extends to religion, and it is possible to visit ornate Muslim mosques and brightly coloured Hindu and Buddhist temples all in one day.

Kuala Lumpur's most iconic site is undoubtedly the Petronas Towers, creating one of the most recognisable skylines in Asia. Head up the towers to take in sweeping views of the city. For those looking for more of a natural wonder, visit the famous Batu Caves. The caves are reached by nearly 300 steps, and are home to many temples and shrines, as well as huge vaulted ceilings that can reach 100 metres high.     


1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
13 nights
Epic Malaysia and Borneo

Epic Malaysia and Borneo

Gaya Island, Kinabatangan River, Kuala Lumpur & Langkawi

We’ve set the bar high with this incredible two-week adventure to Borneo and Malaysia. Get ready for wildlife encounters in lush emerald jungles and tropical marine underworlds, dine at world-class restaurants and enjoy romantic moments under the moonlight on a deserted beach. This is a unique opportunity to discover new things and relax with the...

Beach Couples Off the beaten track

GBP £3,800 pp

14 nights
Family Fun in Malaysia and Borneo

Family Fun in Malaysia and Borneo

Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Kinabatangan River, Kuala Lumpur & Langkawi

Ideal suited for families with older children this enticing itinerary will see you uncover the very best of what Borneo has to offer. From exhilarating water sports off Sabah’s coastline to peaceful river cruises along the Kinabatangan River in search of orangutans and proboscis monkeys. The whole family will enjoy exploring our top picks for...

Beach Wildlife Adventure Off the beaten track

GBP £6,300 pp

11 nights
Ultimate Borneo

Ultimate Borneo

Kuala Lumpur, Sandakan, Kinabatangan River & Gaya Island

A journey through the heart of Malaysian Borneo showcasing the very best this diverse country has to offer. Discover metropolitan Kuala Lumpur before exploring the dense Borneo Rainforest. See pygmy elephants and orangutans in the pristine Kinabatangan Wetlands area before enjoying some respite on one of Sabah's beautiful outer islands, Gaya...

Adventure Off the beaten track Wildlife Diving

GBP £4,300 pp

8 nights
Malaysia Honeymoon

Malaysia Honeymoon

Kuala Lumpur & Langkawi

This relaxing two-centre holiday perfectly showcases the best of Malaysia, from the modern and cosmopolitan city of Kuala Lumpur with its glitzy restaurants and rooftop bars to the untouched paradise, jungle-clad island of Langkawi. Get a feel for this incredibly diverse country through its fast-paced metropolis and gorgeous sun-soaked,...

Beach Couples

GBP £3,200 pp

1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
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