Fish River Canyon & Aus

Second only in size to the Grand Canyon, Namibia’s Fish River Canyon is breath-taking in its sheer size, scope and natural beauty. Located in the far south of the country, this remote and spectacular landscape is a wonderful environment for hiking, mountain biking and quiet reflection. Combine with a visit to see the impressive wild horses of Aus which roam freely across the Namib Desert.

Fish River Canyon Aus

Over 160-kilometres long and at several points almost 550-metres deep, Namibia’s Fish River Canyon is an incredible geological feature formed around 500 million years ago. This meandering gaping gorge is the ideal destination for guided hiking, mountain biking and budding photographers. Populated by rare mountain zebra, oryx and kudu, we would recommend combining a trip here to see the wild horses of Aus around 300-kilometres west of the canyon, for an exciting and authentic desert-style adventure.

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