Central North Island

This region is a showcase of Maori cultural activities, and a place of extraordinary natural beauty. The surrounding areas are a geothermal wonderland, with geysers, steaming lakes and streams, mud pools, multicoloured silica terraces and hot mineral pools known for their curative properties. At the heart of it is Rotorua, a small city on the shores of Lake Rotorua.

Central North Island

Nearby Lake Taupo is larger than Singapore. Its stunning scenery includes snow-capped peaks and lush forests. Luxury lodges hide in secluded groves and a multitude of activites are on your doorstep, from world-class trout fishing to jetboating on the mighty Waikato River.

Where to go in Central North Island

1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
14 nights
Extraordinary New Zealand

Extraordinary New Zealand

Waiheke Island, Taupo, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Nelson & Queenstown

Leap headfirst into this epic trip through stunning New Zealand. Submerge in the breath-taking beauty of both islands from the dreamiest and most fashionable properties. You will encounter mind-blowing landscapes, scrumptious cuisine, seclusion and tranquillity as you take in majestic sights, from wild forests and glassy lakes to azure-blue...

Adventure Fishing Off the beaten track

GBP £26,300 pp

16 nights
Family Fun in New Zealand

Family Fun in New Zealand

Auckland, Bay of Islands, Rotorua, Abel Tasman, Kaikoura, Queenstown

New Zealand is the epitome of cool, fun and wild, making it the perfect haven for families to spread their wings and embrace the exhilarating outdoor adventures that ooze from its core. From the cosmopolitan Auckland and turquoise waters in the Bay of Islands in the North, to the volcanic wonderland of Rotorua and buzzing hub of Queenstown in the...


GBP £15,100 pp

11 nights
Ultimate New Zealand

Ultimate New Zealand

Auckland, Rotorua, Nelson, Christchurch, Franz Josef, Queenstown

Be truly enamoured with the land of the long white cloud with its endless landscapes, sensational scenery and an abundance of activities to embrace. From wine tasting in Central Otago to guided food tours and river trips , from diving in Abel Tasman National Park to whale watching in Kaikoura whether you appreciate wildlife, wine, adventure,...

Couples Adventure Fishing Wildlife

GBP £29,400 pp

18 nights
Limitless New Zealand

Limitless New Zealand

Bay of Islands, Taupo, Hawkes Bay, Christchurch & Glenorchy

Plunge straight into mother nature’s playground, a land of untamed wilderness but all the while staying in ultimate luxury at world-famous ‘super lodges’. Whether on the edge of a crystal-clear lake, the banks of a river, amongst rolling fields or native forest, the locations are nothing less than spectacular. This limitless trip takes you through...

Adventure Golf Couples
1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
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