Few rivers throughout the world offer as many adrenaline-pumping stretches of white water as the Pacuare River, the most exciting way to arrive or depart Pacuare Lodge in the heart of Costa Rica's tropical rainforest. Following a safety briefing and getting your gear on, you will take to the water by raft for one of the most thrilling journeys of your trip!

Easing you into it, the first four miles consist of fun class II-III rapids, great for an initial confidence boost before you get to the Pacuare River Gorge, home to 5 miles of some of the best whitewater Costa Rica has to offer. You will also see the Huacas waterfall, which boasts a 150-foot dramatic drop into the river.

Once you depart from the gorge, the river calms down a little and opens up into the Pacuare valley. Float on by and peer up into the trees, as you may be able to spot a variety of local wildlife from here! Finish up in Siquirres, where you can shower and clean up before returning to your lodge.

Rafters should be physically fit for this trip, although no previous white-water experience is necessary. Please take a spare change of clothes with you, as well as sturdy sandals and sun lotion.

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