From the moment you leave the jetty, your adrenaline hits the roof. You will speed over water as shallow as 10cm, experiencing 360-degree spins along the famous Shotover River and deep into the Spectacular Shotover Canyons. With Shotover Jet being the only company permitted to operate within these canyons, it   an irreplaceable white-water ride.The high-performance boats are made for speed, travelling at up to 90 kilometres an hour. As the Canyon walls tower over you, your expert driver puts the state-of-the-art Jet Boat through its paces, riding the rapids and performing thrilling, gravity-defying stunts within a hair   breadth of the awe-inspiring cliff faces.Get ready for wall-to-wall canyon action from start to finish!

Call us on +65 6028 0820 to start planning your holiday

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