Transfer from your hotel in Muscat to the Marina, to embark on a boat trip to Damaniyat Islands. Enjoy a snorkelling day trip to visit one or more of the nine neighbouring Damaniyat Islands. Several kinds of Coral Reefs, a large number of Sea Turtles, white sand beaches, and pristine blue water are the jewels of Oman. You might even be lucky enough to spot some dolphins on the way (not guaranteed). Access is restricted to ensure the nesting turtles are not disrupted and the coral is not damaged by too many visitors.

Call us on +65 6028 0820 to start planning your holiday

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How many nights?

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0 21 nights +


Number of adults (aged 12+). Minimum 1 adult  
Adults (age 15+)
Children (age 0-15)

Select your budget per person

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Contact details

Your Given name Given name*
Your Family name Family name*
Please enter your email address Email address*
Please enter your phone number Phone number*
Tell us about your trip
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