Patagonia Holidays

You simply cannot fail to be impressed by the majestic beauty of Argentina’s Patagonia, one of the most stunning places in Latin America. The landscape is dotted with dramatic snowy peaks, awe-inspiring glaciers, turquoise lakes and native wildlife. Patagonia is dotted with homely estancias where one can enjoy some of the best riding in Latin America, great hiking and succulent barbecues (asados).

Southern Patagonia

El Calafate is the stepping-stone to visit the Los Glaciares National Park, where you’ll find the magnificent, jaw-droppingly vast Perito Moreno glacier with its unbelievable ice-blue hues, and further north is the area of El Chalten and the famous Fitz Roy peak.

1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
10 nights
Epic Highlights of Patagonia

Epic Highlights of Patagonia

Buenos Aires, El Calafate, Torres del Paine & Santiago

This 10-night adventure through Argentina and Chile will take you to the depths of Patagonia, where you can hike and ride to your heart's content surrounded by dramatic peaks and sweeping landscapes. Top and tail with a stay in the country's capitals, boasting gastronomic delights, buzzing streets and a rich dose of culture.

Adventure Couples Off the beaten track

$10,500 pp

13 nights
Ultimate Argentina

Ultimate Argentina

Buenos Aires, Lake District, Mendoza & the Iguazu Falls

Revitalising lakes, awe-inspiring glaciers and tantalising wines straight from the vineyard, this two-week Argentina vacation is the perfect concoction for travelers who enjoy the finer things in life. We’ve hand-picked only the very best hotels and lodges to make sure every stop on the trip promises unique flair complemented by seamless service.

Adventure Culture Couples Off the beaten track

$25,300 pp

10 nights
Limitless Argentina

Limitless Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentine Patagonia, Mendoza & Cordoba

Packed full of personally curated experiences and utterly luxurious properties in wilder than wild locations, this epic Argentina itinerary will push the limits of your imagination. Our expert local guides will unlock secret boltholes known only to a few, to take you on an ultra-exclusive journey through Argentina.

Couples Riding Adventure Culture
12 nights
Wild Argentina

Wild Argentina

Iguazu Falls, Ibera Wetlands, Buenos Aires, Peninsula Valdes, El Calafate

Wetlands and whales await on this Argentinean adventure, taking in some of the country’s best wilderness areas. From the thundering Iguazu Falls to the vast but little-known Ibera Wetlands and the rugged coastline of Peninsula Valdes, you’ll delve into Argentina’s wildest regions and meet creatures great and small that reside in these areas. We’ve...

Adventure Culture Couples Off the beaten track

$7,500 pp

1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
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