Hue Holidays

This former capital of the Nguyen emperors is a refined and historic city, with a picturesque setting on the banks of the Perfume River, and a fascinatingly diverse past. With Dutch, Portuguese and French influences mingling with vestiges of the Nguyen dynasty, Hue’s historic sites make this an intriguing place to explore the imperial history of Vietnam.


Discover this history though the Imperial Citadel, grand emperors’ tombs and ancient pagodas of the city, and delve deeper into Hue’s history through its food, including the traditional Hue royal tea. Head out into the paddy fields to meet local farmers, discovering traditional skills, techniques and artisan crafts.


1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
14 nights
Imagine Vietnam

Imagine Vietnam

Hanoi, Sapa, Halong Bay, Hue, Hoi An & Saigon

This trip takes you to renowned areas of this enchanting country, with a few lesser-known experiences for you to uncover as well. Gaze up at the other-worldly limestone peaks of Halong Bay, trek through the mist-encased mountain peaks of Sapa and listen in awe as the guide on your private tour educates you on Vietnam's renowned Cu Chi Tunnels.

Adventure Culture

GBP £3,800 pp

20 nights
Vietnam Uncovered

Vietnam Uncovered

Hanoi, Mai Chau, Ninh Binh, Halong Bay, Hue, Hoi An, Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho & Phu Quoc

Sample Hanoi's tantalising street food and discover Phu Quoc island's azure waters and lush forests on this spellbinding Vietnam tour. This 20-night trip is ideal for travellers who have time to play with. Our specialists have handpicked the most knowledgeable guides and enthralling experiences for you.

Adventure Culture

GBP £4,700 pp

10 nights
Extraordinary Central Vietnam

Extraordinary Central Vietnam

Hue, Hoi An, Ninh Vanh Bay

Dive into this epic private tour of Vietnam’s stunning central coast. Relax on the shores of Ninh Van Bay and take a guided Vespa trip to the banks of the Perfume River, where you can explore the city of Hue – a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The charming historic town of Hoi An is another UNESCO site that you'll explore on this 10-night stay.

Beach Culture Diving Couples

GBP £3,800 pp

15 nights
Family Fun in Vietnam

Family Fun in Vietnam

Hanoi, Halong Bay, Hue, Hoi An, Nha Trang & Saigon

For intrepid families looking to spend quality time together, enjoy the perfect blend of adventure, culture and chill-out time with this packed itinerary. Glide across emerald waters at Six Senses Ninh Van Bay, go kayaking in Halong Bay, and go cycling through countryside on this Vietnam tour.

GBP £5,700 pp

1 - 4 of 4 Tour Ideas
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