In legend previously called Pytho, a sacred precinct in ancient times, served as the seat of Pythia, the major oracle, who was consulted about important decisions.

The site has magical vibe, and it lays impressively, surrounded by the mounts and nature around. At the foot of Mount Parnassos, within the angle formed by the twin rocks of the Phaedriades, lies the Pan-Hellenic sanctuary of Delphi, which had the most famous oracle of ancient Greece. Delphi was regarded as the centre of the world. According to mythology, it is here that the two eagles, sent from the ends of the universe by Zeus to find the navel of the world, met. The sanctuary of Delphi, set within a most spectacular landscape, was for many centuries a principal cultural and religious centre and symbol of unity for the Hellenic world. Stunning views, lush nature, glorious mountains all infused with a rich historical past waiting to be discovered. The nearby village of Arachova overlooking the Delphic valley, is a great option for an early afternoon walk and lunch after your guided tour of Delphi and before set off on your way back to Athens. Aráhova can offer a memorable gourmet experience; taste the local specialties and local gastronomy.

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