Best Time to Visit Botswana
Deciding when to go to Botswana does to some extent depend on what you want to do in Botswana or which places you want to visit there. Our Botswana travel specialists will be able to recommend the best time to visit Botswana to maximise your experience there. Get in touch with them to start planning your trip to Botswana.
Botswana has a moderate climate with three fairly distinct seasons:
From December to March is the rainy season, with warm temperatures and occasional thunderstorms. There is high humidity at this time of year.
April to July is dry, with sunny days which are not stiflingly hot and the temperature at night beginning to drop - in June and July the nights can be very cold.
From August through to October the weather heats up, with October's temperatures sometimes approaching 40°c. Generally, the rains break in November.
Travelling in the green season between November and March can be very rewarding with wildlife giving birth to their young and some exceptional birdlife. This, along with the lush green scenery provides plenty of picture-perfect opportunities.
The Okavango Delta is in flood between June and October, providing prime game-viewing as wildlife is generally restricted to islands and land by the heightened water. The weather during these months is hot during the day, but it isn't a stifling heat, and cold at night. The summer months (Nov - Mar) can be hot and humid and there is a chance of rain.
Monthly Climate Guide for Botswana
, Botswana
Average temperatures (Celsius) and rainfall (mm)
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