
Gangtey is located in the Phobjikha valley and is a popular area for trekking and seeing the amazing Black Neck Cranes, with routes that start from the Gangteng Gonpa in the Phobjika Valley and pass the Kumbu village, the Gedachen and Khebayathang villages, and terminate in the Kungathang Lhakha.


A short trek of about 90 minutes known as the 'Gangte Nature Trail' is also available. The valley is rich in wildlife and famed as an ideal location to spot rare Black-necked cranes, as well as numerous other rare species. Because of this, around 160 sqkm of the valley have been declared a protected area. Gangtey is one of the most picturesque places in Bhutan, and we can include the valley on a luxury tour of Bhutan. Gangtey Goenpa Monastery is the only Nyingmapa monastery on the western side of the black mountains.

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