Ecuador Amazon Tours

Ecuador’s Amazon Rainforest is a rich tapestry of meandering rivers, riotous waterfalls and vibrant flora which overwhelms the senses and offers invigorating adventures to those intrepid enough to venture into its depths. A true wilderness, the Amazon is home to elusive indigenous tribes and all manner of weird and wonderful creatures, offering a completely immersive and educational experience.


Deep within this steamy jungle lie habitats suited to some of Ecuador’s most astounding wildlife; a high concentration of weird and wonderful creatures from giant otters to howler monkeys can be found shrouded in dense vegetation, living in harmony with the indigenous communities that call the Amazon home, such as the Huaorani and Kichwa tribes.

Activities abound within the realms of this pristine wilderness; accompanied by experienced naturalist guides, visitors can enjoy a varied programme of wildlife spotting excursions, engage in traditional tribal activities such as blow-pipe hunting, partake in invigorating night safaris or even just laze away some hours swaying gently in a hammock, listening to the enchanting chorus of the rainforest and its inhabitants.

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