&Beyond Bateleur Camp

Bateleur Camp is situated on the border of the Maasai Mara National Reserve in the Kichwa Tembo area. Accommodation comprises eighteen extremely spacious and luxurious tents each with a private veranda, split into two smaller more intimate camps.

Maasai Mara, Kenya
Beyond Bateleur Camp
  • Have a massage in the privacy of your tent, after your morning game drive

  • Relax by the swimming pool

  • Float above the Maasai Mara in a hot air balloon followed by a champagne breakfast

  • An expert photographic guide can be arranged from guests who take a private game vehicle

Set on a private concession, the camp lies at the base of the Oloololo escarpment and is fringed by riverine forest just below the spot where “Out of Africa’s” most famous scene was shot. The camp faces out on the plains of the Maasai Mara and lies directly in the path of what is considered to be the greatest spectacle in the animal kingdom, the annual migration of wildebeest and zebra.

The beautiful tented suites are filled with antiques and African artifacts to give an 'Out of Africa' feel. The tents all have air conditioning and a private butler. The camp also offers in room massages and there is a large pool for those needing a cool off from the warm African sun.

Activities include morning game drives in an open top Land Rover, night game drives and guided walks on the camp’s grounds. Maasai community visits and lectures and hot air ballooning may be arranged at an additional cost. At Bateleur Camp experience classic safari style, where wildlife adventures by day blend with elegant panache under canvas at night. Enjoy sweeping views over the Maasai Mara, some of the premier game viewing regions in the world this intimate camp reflects the ambiance of the Kenyan explorers of the 20s and 30s.

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Top tip:

Take the 'gym in a bag' which is provided in your room onto your deck for some afternoon exercises with those amazing views in front of you!

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Maasai Mara, Kenya

Bateleur Camp is situated on the western border of the Masai Mara Game Reserve in southwestern Kenya. Set on a private concession leased from Maasai landlords, the camp lies at the base of the Oloololo escarpment just below the spot where Out of Africa’s most famous scene was shot. The camp overlooks the plains of the Masai Mara and lies directly in the path of what is considered to be the greatest spectacle in the animal kingdom – the annual migration of wildebeest and zebra from the Serenget.

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